The Top Three Ways to Advance Policy in the State House

Advancing legislation takes expertise and experience. With The Resurgam Group in your corner, we will navigate the complicated web together.

In state houses across the country, local businesses and advocacy organizations play critical roles in the state’s economy and culture. When they get involved in policy-making, it can often drive policy discussions that advance the interests of the state and the economy. Here are the top three ways to impact:

Contact Public Officials

If you haven’t been part of any campaign and don’t know any legislators, introduce yourself to local, county, and state officials. Like most states, Maine has open lines of communications to lawmakers. If you’re a Maine resident, consider contacting your State SenatorState Representative, or the Governor’s Office. Lawmakers prioritize constituent communications and often depend on the expertise of the people in their districts to make decisions on critical policy decisions.

Meet With Your Legislators

Most legislators are typically willing to meet with constituents. Should you schedule a meeting with any lawmaker, be sure to be efficient in your ask and be well prepared and informed on your issue. Here are a few tips to keep in mind: 

  • Respect your legislator’s time: Legislators are busy people. Their schedules are often tight and fluid between constituent outreach, policy committees, and legislative sessions. When you set a meeting, be on time, be concise, and be open to interruptions. 

  • Select one topic: While you may have various concerns, stick to one issue. Do your research and bring materials to support your position. 

  • Be polite: Discuss your stand on a topic. Even if your legislator has a different point of view, respect their position. 

  •  Be appreciative: Many lawmakers serve because they believe in giving back to their state. After your meeting, be sure to write a brief thank you to the lawmaker for the meeting. 

Propose a New Law

While only legislators and the administration can submit bill proposals, the path of legislation in Maine allows lawmakers to sponsor bills by constituents or other public officials.

Every year, they consider hundreds of ideas for state laws. The process may seem complex at first, but here are some essential steps:

  • Do your research: Find out if your proposal is not yet a law and that there’s nothing like it in the works.

  • Create a coalition: Get like-minded advocacy organizations and business owners to work with you. 

  • Find a champion: No matter how life-changing your proposal is, you still need a lawmaker by your side to submit it. 

  • Gather support for your bill: For any proposal to move, it’s best to build public awareness for it. 

Put an Expert in Your Corner

As part of a business or advocacy organization, you have the power to affect change. However, if you need help advancing your interests to local, state, and federal governments, it’s best to work with an experienced team with a track record for delivering wins. Get in touch with us; we’d love to partner with you on your next legislative effort.


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