Ready to Throw a ‘W’ on the Board?
“If you want to win, Resurgam is the team you need in your corner. They’re one of Maine's best.”
Hon. Justin Alfond, Former Maine Senate President
What We Do
From start to finish, we’ll fuel your political campaign, government relations or public affairs initiative…even if we have to forge a new path to get there.
Direct Lobbying
Are you an association, non-profit, corporate organization or labor union? Fantastic. We’ll spearhead and execute strategic tactics to get you the support you need within the halls of the statehouse.
Full Service Lobbying: We’ll help draft legislation, find bill sponsors and cosponsors, manage coalitions, and see legislation through final votes and the Governor’s signature.
Client Representation: We'll be the face of your organization in the halls of the statehouse and will leverage our strong existing relationships to help deliver results.
Bill Tracking: We’ll be the eyes and ears for you. Our bill tracking system provides weekly reports on pending legislation that'll impact your work.
Local Campaigning
From small towns to municipalities, we help mobilize grassroots voices to influence issues through town meetings, secret ballots, local initiatives, and city council flights, etc.
Local Campaign Management: We work with Mayoral, City Council, and School Board candidates to create micro-campaign strategies that will reach target voters to get that win on election day.
Local Ordinance Campaigns: We have won countless ordinance fights in big and small towns alike. Our strategic, hyper-local campaigns mobilize key local voices to influence key decision makers.
Local Initiatives: Town ballot measures are often decided by a handful of votes so we’ll help you fight for every vote through grasstop outreach, smart and localized communications, and a sound campaign strategy.
Political Campaigning
From kickoff to election day, we’ve got your back. Whether you’re looking to run an Independent Expenditure program or you’re a candidate, we’ll drive, manage, and oversee your campaign to victory!
Campaign Management: From local to presidential, we’ll develop and manage your campaign budgets, hire a top-class consultant team, and oversee all messaging and communications.
Political Communications: We’ll spearhead your paid and earned media operations. We have deep connections with Maine media and have run multi-million dollar paid communications campaigns.
Grassroots Campaigns: We’re political organizers at heart. We’ll develop, implement, and oversee creative programs that drive direct-voter contact and generate organic media buzz.
Coalition Building
We wouldn’t get far in this business without strong relationships. We love bringing together the key players of a shared issue to brainstorm and implement policies and campaigns.
Coalition Management: We will serve as the “campaign manager” and by orchestrating regular coalition calls, holding partners accountable, and delivering on shared goals.
Coalition Recruitment: We’ll recruit a diverse group of “uncommon allies” that will help persuade your target to your side. We’ve brought together organizations that traditionally stand in direct opposition to deliver legislative victory.
Coalition Tracking: We help coalitions keep their partners engaged and on-task. We will work directly with coalition managers to track deliverables to ensure we’re reaching our goals.
Senior Advisement
We all need a supportive and strategic soundingboard every now and again. If you’re stuck at a crucial step in your policy or campaign, give us a shout and we’ll help get you unstuck to move it forward.
Campaign Guidance: As your strategic advisors, we’ll help steer strategy and train campaign teams to run winning operations.
Legislative Advisement: We’ll work closely with your leadership team to create inroads and develop relationships with key stakeholders and decision makers.
Non-profit Advocacy: We’ll amplify your voice in state and local politics and help identify and mobilize key stakeholders to your side.
Crisis Communications
On a state, local, or federal level— it can feel like an uphill battle to be understood, that’s where we come in. We’ll help you navigate any adversity through strategic messaging, training, and marketing collateral development.
Project-based Communications: When things feel chaotic, we bring a fresh and level-headed perspective. We’ll jump in and build a plan to help you navigate what feels like an impossible storm.
Corporate and Non-Profit Crisis Communications: Through local experience and detailed planning, we will help you shift a challenging narrative by guiding you through a difficult communications climate.
Communications Advisement: We will serve as your press contacts and advise your spokespeople on messaging and strategy. In this role, you’re our first call in the morning and the last call at night.
Need something else? Just ask, and if we can’t help you, we know someone who can.
Association Partners
Resurgam has the unique ability to see short-term opportunities and challenges while also understanding the long-term political and policy impact. This vision comes from their diverse state and national political and policy experience. Lobbyists are plentiful, but true strategists are rare. Hands down, The Resurgam Group has the best strategists in Maine.
Kyle McDermott, Principal, JVA Campaigns